Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We Are Made Perfect!

God's purpose for the Church is to perfect believers even to the measure of the perfection of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately most Churches teach evasive false doctrine saying that man cannot become perfect. "Eph 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:."
The Word of God says that Noah was perfect.  God challenged Satan with the perfectness of Job.  God asked Abraham to live perfect, which Abraham did.  King Hezekiah asked God to remember his perfect life which was readily responded by God.  The purpose of the fivefold ministry is to make the believer perfect as Jesus Christ is perfect.  The Holy Spirit, the Apostles and Jesus Christ himself are working to present a perfect, spotless Church unto Jesus Christ.  The Bride of Jesus Christ, the true Church of God, has made herself ready by her own glorious righteousness.
But, the devil always deceives his people by saying that nobody can be perfect.  Are you belong to the devil or to God.  Jesus Christ says that his sheep will hear his voice and will follow him.  "John 10:26 But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. 27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:" 

Monday, June 27, 2011


As my Husband and I were talking his said to me how many Chapters will the book have? I responded with thats a very good question. I knew what the first and last Chapter would be, but I had to ask the holy spirit for the rest. Once I did that I didn't get a response right away. As we were driving home later that evening the Holy spirit started to speak to me I couldn't find a piece of paper fast enough, so as I was looking around the car I came across a reciept turned it over to use the back of it and the holy spirit went to work. I looked over at my Husband and said the book will contain 15 chapters and here are the names of them! Wow what a wonderful God we serve.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Believer's in every area of your life especially your professional life we need to operate on a higher spiritual level and influence the decisions that are being made... God needs us to be in Demand! Instead we're hiding and letting these little devils run all over us. When we finally get the Revelation that God Win's and He resides in us and threw Him we're(Victorious) Things will change!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Still Standing!

A Book Proposal

By, Misty Connelly

How can DYFS remove my kids? How did I land in jail at 9months pregnant facing a 5 year sentence? How was I easily deceived by a man?

Still Standing! Is a book sharing my testimony with the world. This book gives hope to those that have dealt with or is dealing with similar issues. I was a single parent, raising two daughters and working a full-time job with no “Head“ Fatherhood in our lives. I was bound for destruction. The enemy was leading me to death! This is a true testimony of God’s blessings and favor that has now governed my life. This book highlights issues dealing with fornication, social services, incarceration, blessings, revelations, and faith.

This book appeals to every genre over the age of 18. It is my own experience that I had to endure and would like to share this story with the world. They are millions of people experiencing these similar issues, such as (having their children snatched out of their homes placed in a foster home, being 9months pregnant sitting in jail on a $50,000.00 bail facing charges that will put you away from your family for 5years, having a baby only 3days old and having to watch that child snatched out of your arms and placed in a foster home, dealing with fornication issues where physically hurting yourself was the answer just to get even with the person in question.) But yet they have no one to share their story with or their embarrassed to talk about it, even worse they have no real answer for all these adversities. Well in this book lies the answers that have worked for my family and I and have given me a second chance and the strength to reveal this book to the world! The book will be divided in two parts. The first part will describe my adversities and the second part will describe my triumphs.

Still Standing! Can be promoted via radio, conferences, local newspaper’s, book stores, TV, or small or large group settings. I will make myself available for all promotions.

This book will contain bibliography, photographs, scripture’s (KJV), and index. I am unsure of the amount of wording this book will contain. I will be led by the holy spirit until it’s complete. The manuscript will be completed 6 months after receipt of an advance

Thank you in advance

Psalms 68:11 The Lord gave the word, great was the company of those who proclaimed
(NKJV) it.